Khuruthang Youth Centre

We Care, We Share
UN and JICA Bhutan’s joint initiative - Resilience tools for COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about enormous loss of human lives worldwide and an unprecedented challenge to public health, food supply, and work patterns leaving scars in the minds of people all over the world. When hugs among loved ones became the medium of transmission of the virus, being physically isolated from friends and family became necessary and preventive measures such as facemasks and handwashing to avoid contracting the virus.
In such challenging times, Khuruthang Youth Centre (KYC) has been supporting the local community through the pandemic in small and numerous ways. KYC, which is located in the heart of Khuruthang town in Punakha has always been a place for enthusiastic young people to share their ideas and thoughts and put them into action, prior to the pandemic. With the current situation, it faces many challenges.
The biggest challenge KYC has faced so far, was the closure of the center after the identification of the first COVID-19 positive patient in Bhutan in March 2020.
“Being the only youth center in the Dzongkhag, we had to take the lead in engaging and educating the youth volunteers of society. The volunteers and members of the KYC had been busy preparing for the 7th Bhutan International Marathon which was scheduled to take place on 7th March 2020 in Punakha. The news of the closure shattered their excitement,” shared Sonam Dorji, Manager of KYC.
This most awaited event was eventually successfully conducted with strict COVID-19 protocols in place although the original program planned was no more applicable. Sonam further added that having to abide by the protocols, there was a need to plan everything all over again from scratch with several changes to the original plans.
Despite all the challenges they faced, KYC endeavored to contribute to the nation in its time of need, even in the smallest ways. The center organized its first virtual meeting on 22nd April 2020 to form ‘Clean Earth Challenge’ to acknowledge Earth Day at the residence of each individual volunteer, where the youth cleaned the surroundings of their own homes. In addition, recognizing that there was a dire need for storage space for the supply of essential goods to front-liners, the hall of the center was offered for this use.
Sonam also shared that during the pandemic, emergence of fake news caused confusion and distress among the people. The youth volunteers therefore took the initiative to educate the people with the right information through advocacy videos on safety protocols and spread of misinformation.
“With directives from the Department of Youth and Sports (DYS), our youth volunteers conducted awareness programs on preventive measures of COVID-19 to the schools of Punakha,” said Sonam.
Besides these awareness programs, the youth volunteers also collected data on the impact of COVID-19 from individual youth to assess their level of understanding of the virus. As part of these preventative measures, the center also purchased hand sanitizers and installed handwashing stations at various strategic places to facilitate handwashing for the public.
Apart from the social services provided by the KYC to support the nation in these small ways, the center also ensured their youth volunteers and members were not left idle during the lockdown period, realizing the effects it may have on their mental health. They were contacted frequently through social media and youth forums created for discussions to keep them, as well as their friends and relatives, connected and to avoid the mental stress associated to the COVID-19 pandemic.
“KYC could stand strong in times of need and contribute to society only because its members and volunteers played a crucial role in shaping the center around the new normal. It is because of their utmost dedication and unwavering commitment to volunteerism that we are now once again able to function and provide services to the youth of Bhutan,” said Sonam.