United Nations Sustainable Development Framework (UNSDPF) Evaluation TORs

This United Nations Sustainable Development Framework (UNSDPF) articulates the collective vision of the UN system and the Government of Bhutan for 2019 – 2023. The overall goal of the United Nations’ support to Bhutan with the timeframe is to support “A Just, harmonious and sustainable Bhutan where no one is left behind”. In support of the Royal Government of Bhutan’s (RGoB) achievement of its 12th FYP and beyond, the UN’s strategic priorities outline to support the people of Bhutan by focusing first on those furthest behind, specifically the 14 Socio-Economic groups identified as being at risk of being left behind. The Government’s 12th FYP (2019-2023) was also formulated with both GNH and the SDGs as a guiding basis in its preparations, Bhutan’s development programmes continue to be highly aligned with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals.