UNSDCF 2024-2028

The United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF or Cooperation Framework) will
guide the work of the United Nations (UN) system in Bhutan through 2028. This Cooperation Framework is
underpinned by the principle of Leaving No One Behind as the country makes progress on all three pillars of
sustainable development: economic, social and environmental. Leaving No One Behind includes a steadfast
commitment to the rights of persons with disabilities. The collective results expected from the Cooperation
Framework will contribute to a vision wherein all people in Bhutan, especially the most vulnerable, contribute to and
benefit from sustainable development, leading to the achievement of the SDGs and to a healthy, prosperous and
secured country.
The Strategic Priorities and Outcomes contained in this Cooperation Framework, which have been developed jointly
by the Government and the UN, will remain constant for the duration of the implementation cycle. At the same time,
the Cooperation Framework has a flexible, adaptive approach that allows for regular adjustments through outputs
and joint work plans through which the United Nations contributions are operationalized in line with evolving
national priorities.