United Nations Sustainable Development Partnership Framework for Bhutan 2019-2023

Achieving Agenda 2030 and graduating from the Least Developed Country (LDC) category in a sustainable manner requires continued partnership between the Royal Government of Bhutan, its development partners, key stakeholders, as well as between UN agencies.
Focusing on sustainable development as Bhutan becomes a Lower Middle-Income Country (LMIC) will help ensure a smooth transition and avoid a reversal of results already achieved.
The overall goal of the United Nations’ support to Bhutan from 2019 to 2023 is to support “A Just, harmonious and sustainable Bhutan where no one is left behind”. Based on a theory of change, the UN aims to mobilize and invest an estimated USD 120 million to achieve results in four outcome areas, by 2023:
Outcome One: Enhanced access to and use of reliable and timely data for inclusive and evidence-based policy and decision making;
Outcome Two: Vulnerable and unreached people access and receive quality health, nutrition, protection, education, water, sanitation and hygiene services;
Outcome Three: National stakeholders strengthened to provide equal opportunities for all, particularly women, and vulnerable groups; and
Outcome Four: Bhutan’s communities and its economy are more resilient to climate-induced and other disasters and biodiversity loss as well as economic vulnerability.